Quick 'How-to' Guides and Vidoes

Descriptions and Videos on how to use Gridtwin Software

Save Project

After selecting a viable parcel, save it to your account to further analysis
  1. A parcel’s overview page can be accessed by selecting ‘Link’ from a map search, or ‘Details’ from the search form
  2. The parcel’s details can be reviewed from here before saving; scroll to the bottom of the page to select ‘Save and Edit’
  3. Give the project an appropriate, identifiable name and select 'Save’ at the bottom of the form

Edit Project Site

Edit the project’s boundaries within its parcel as needed
  1. From the project’s Results page, select ‘Edit’
  2. By clicking on the project’s geometry on this page, all of its vertices become selectable, and each can either be deleted or dragged to a new position. If needed, the point of interconnection can also be selected and repositioned within the project boundary
  3. Hit ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page once you’re satisfied with the edits.
  1. From the project page, run a new interconnection analysis to factor the updates into your simulation
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Simulate Interconnection

Use the Interconnection Analysis tool to estimate project interconnection cost
  1. All saved sites can be accessed under the ‘My Projects’ tab; navigate to the one you’d like to analyze
  2. From the project’s 'Results' page, select “Start!’ under the ‘Start New analysis’ heading
  3. To view the analysis’ progress, use either of the refresh buttons under the ‘Results Summary’ heading
  4. Once complete, a summary and breakdown of expenses will be available under their respective headings on the page. The map thumbnail will also display the estimated line upgrades in your most recent analysis

Edit Interconnection Study

Edit the line routing and cost for an interconnection study
  1. After completing an Interconnection Study on a saved parcel, you may wish to tweak the study in question to better match the project you have in mind; to accomplish this, select 'Edit Study' from the project's page (note this is separate from the general 'Edit' button)
  2. Costs are taken from the cost catalog you are using, but can be manually changed here, and unnecessary line items deleted altogether
  3. Delete or edit any of the existing line upgrades to better match your needs
  4. Leave yourself notes about these edits in the Description section, and save your study edits
  1. The new edits should now be reflected on your project page
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Override Local Values

Override a project’s local values if different numbers would be more relevant to your simulation
  1. From the project’s Results page, select ‘Edit’
  2. Scroll down to ‘Local Network Inputs’ and check the box next to ‘Override Local Values’
  3. Now, new values can be inserted for any local network category you wish to change
  4. Hit ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page once you’re satisfied with the edits.
  1. From the project page, run a new interconnection analysis to factor the updated figures into your simulation
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Solar Forecast Report

Forecast solar project growth across a utility territory or state.
  1. Note: This features is only available if you have reports enabled for your account
  2. Navigate to the Reports page from the 'More' menu heading
  3. Select 'Create New Report,' and navigate to the Solar Forecast Report
  4. Give your report an appropriate title, and fill in the relevant fields, paying attention to the years covered by the study, and the MW projected
  1. Save your report and view the report's status; once it finishes, your results can be downloaded from the main Reports page
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Edit Cost Catalog

Create Custom Cost Catalogs for use with Interconnection Simulations.
  1. The Gridtwin team creates public cost catalogs for interconnection cost. These catalogs are automatically applied based on utility, substation, and connection type
  2. Users can create their own catalogs for private use by navigating to the 'Data and Catalogs' menu
  3. Here, users can choose to view an existing catalog, save a copy, or create a new catalog
  4. In the catalog edit page, give the catalog a name, details, and select the appropriate utility, substation, or connection type
  1. Add and edit line items for the catalog. Some line items are required, such as line cost, but other items are optional
  2. Once finished with the catalog, select Save Catalog or Save a Copy
  3. If there are any errors, correct the errors and attempt to save again
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Custom Three-phase Extension

Designate a custom three-phase extension for project interconnection
  1. From the project’s Results page, select ‘Edit’
  2. If the project’s point of interconnection is not where you’d like it, select the point and move it
  3. Use the line segment tool from the left-hand menu to create the new interconnection line. The line can continue in any direction after each new point is set down, and will be completed after the final point is double-clicked
  4. Hit ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page once you’re satisfied with the edits.
  1. From the project page, run a new interconnection analysis to factor the new layout into your simulation
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Site Search With Form

Use the Search tab to find parcels that fit multiple criteria
  1. Navigate to the Search tab
  2. Identify which categories are relevant to your search and their values/ranges
  3. Hit ‘Find Sites’ to view your results
  1. Results can be sorted and prioritized based on various criteria. If a parcel seems to suit your needs, select ‘Details’ underneath it to view more information
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Map-Based Search

Use the Map to find parcels that suit your needs
  1. Navigate to the Map tab
  2. Search for an address or pan and zoom to your area of interest and display the ‘open area’ map layer
  3. Open the ‘Search’ Sidebar and input any desired filters
  4. Select ‘Filter Sites’ so only parcels that fit your criteria are displayed in the area of interest

Filter for Layers on the Map

Use the Map to filter for data layers
  1. Navigate to the Map tab
  2. Search for an address, or pan and zoom to your area of interest
  3. The base map can be toggled between a streets, terrain, and satellite imagery depending on your needs
  1. Select layers you are interested in viewing, be mindful that some can’t be utilized unless the map is sufficiently zoomed in
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